Once you have deployed Kubeflow, it is time to access the Kubeflow dashboard.

1. Get authentication credentials

To display your access credentials, run the following commands:

juju config dex-auth static-username
juju config dex-auth static-password

By default, these are both empty. If you wish to set them, add the relevant string to the end of the command, e.g.

juju config dex-auth static-username admin
juju config dex-auth static-password AxWiJjk2!hu4fFga7

2. Find the IP address of the Kubeflow dashboard

To find the IP address of the Kubeflow dashboard for your deployment run:

kubectl get services -n kf

where kf is the name you gave to your Juju model, and hence the namespace of your Kubeflow deployment.

3. Access the dashboard

For local Kubeflow deployments, such as in a workstation, you can simply access the link found in the previous step, appending xip.io, for example:

However, for remote deployments, or running on a virtual machine, creating a SOCKS proxy is required to access the dashboard. This can be done as follows:

  1. Logout from the current session with the exit command

  2. Re-establish connection to the machine using ssh with SOCKS proxy enabled through the -D9999 parameter. As in the example below:

    ssh -D9999 ubuntu@<machine_public_ip>
  3. On your computer, go to Settings > Network > Network Proxy, and enable SOCKS proxy pointing to:

  4. On a new browser window, access the link given in the previous step, appended by .xip.io, for example: